Monday, July 12, 2010

Thoughts On Matt Holliday s First Round In The 2010 Home Run Derby

* Perfect woman at Taco Bell commercial attracts people in a crowded bar keeping fresh bacon in his purse. Message: attractive women all the help they can get, if they want to find a partner. I do not think that Taco Bell really thought this one through, any level.
* Except for this I want bacon now. Too bad Taco Bell is the first foundation, that comes to mind when I think of bacon. Taco Bell to pay several million dollars to advertise for Oscar Mayer.

* I have nothing interesting to say about Matt Holliday's first round, since Matt Holliday's first phase has sucked much. Ireland: Andrews is to have the opportunity to chat with Albert Pujols. Albert Pujols, on the framework, and Matthew Holliday flails away and hits line drives useless. This does not make a lick of sense. I hate the Home Run Derby.
* Some later life Holliday, as the nine outs he hits four consecutive dingers gold bullet. Value of these four dingers State Farm $ 68,000. Haha State Farm

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