Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ryanair Boss Must Say Sorry

Thousands of passengers are celebrating after Ryanair boss Michael O'Leary, collapsed in the Supreme Court.
And founder of Ryanair forced to apologize and say it was a mistake and pay legal fees to settle out of court with the humiliation founder EasyJet, Stelios Haji-Ioannou.
Ryanair even ridiculed as Stelios Pinnocchio in newspaper ads, close the Greek billionaire easyJet to make a decision to stop publishing data on the punctuality of its flights.
O'Leary, Stelios challenge to race naked around Trafalgar Square or the sumo match to settle the dispute.
The Irish business was passed was only fair and reasonable to say sorry.
He received Stelios - no longer controlled by easyJet - did not participate in the company's solution.
Stelios said: "We have taken this legal action to protect my reputation, I am not lying and that the defamatory statement.
"I'd like to dedicate this win to all members of the traveling public, who have suffered verbal abuse and supplements, hidden in O'Leary».
And Ryanair to pay for Stelios' legal and £ 50.100 in damages. A huge gift to the charity.

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