Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Lourdes Cruz.

Lourdes Cruz. Doctor Lourdes Cruz has made scientific contributions to the biochemistry field of conotoxins, in particular the toxins of the venom of the marine snail Conus geographus. Lourdes Cruz documented the biochemical characterization of the homologous highly toxic monomeric peptides with internal disulfide bonds including: Conotoxin GI, Conotoxin GIA and Conotoxin GII. Lourdes Cruz has helped develop conotoxins for the purpose biochemical probes for examining the activities of the human brain. Lourdes Cruz - Awards: NAST Outstanding Young Scientist Award 1981, NRCP Achievement Award in Chemistry 1982, and Outstanding Women in the Nation's Service Award (Biochemistry) 1986. B.S. Chemistry, University of the Philippines, 1962, M.S. Biochemistry, University of Iowa, 1966 and Ph.D. Biochemistry, University of Iowa, 1968

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