Monday, July 12, 2010

Bunnings Fined $15,000 Over Weed Sales

Hardware retailer Bunnings has been fined $ 15,000, without conviction after it was caught selling a harmful weed its victorian shops.

Bunnings and four gardening suppliers - Ball Australia, oasis gardening, Summerhill nurseries and Royal Blooms - all pleaded guilty at Melbourne Magistrates' Court of charges of buying and selling the weed, Mexican feather grass.

That the crimes took place between January and May 2008.

State grass is prohibited weed, the highest degree harmful weeds under Victoria's catchment and Land Protection Act.

Agriculture Department was also awarded costs in case.

As part of out-of-court settlement with the department, Bunnings has agreed to pay $ 50,000 compensation and given present means never selling harmful weeds.

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Agriculture Minister Joe helper said prosecutions are a warning to the garden and nursery industry.

"Despite the vast array of industry do a fantastic job and was aware of his obligations, the prosecution is timely reminder of the risks associated with the importation and distribution of non-native horticultural plants," the helper said.

"It is up to the nursery industry to prevent this happening again.

Director of the Department for invasive plants and operations, Brendan Roughead, said estimates suggested the economic and environmental impact of a statewide outbreak of a harmful weed like Mexican feather grass can cost the state more than $ 10 million a year to control.

Anyone who may have bought the weed, which can be labeled or Stipa capillata Stipa lessingiana, should phone 13 6186.

Bunnings spokeswoman could not immediately connected.

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