Wednesday, March 31, 2010

From one extreme to another ....

I know I take you guys all over the place on my blog .... everywhere from my insomnia to my childhood stories to my VENTING and my hopelessly unrealistic desire for Viggo Mortensen. But I read something today that was soooooo beautiful that I wanted to share it with all of you. I'm an avid reader and a lot of that reading has to do with spirituality. However, sometimes I have to take a break from

Kate Beckinsale Hairstyles

Kate Beckinsale has the most absolutely stunning hair texture, often styled in a long flowing fashion, but also seen quite often with an array of updo hairstyles while gracing red carpet events.

Which is your favorite Kate Beckinsale hairstyle?

Her long her is beautiful and all, but i especially love her cute updo hairstyles, which really display her facial features more prominently.

Kate Beckinsale short hairstyle.
Kate Beckinsale long curly hairstyle.
Kate Beckinsale blonde highlight hairstyle.

The Latest Trends in Men's Hairstyles

Today's men's beard appearance can be either continued and textured or cool abbreviate and bound and still be advised contemporary and at the acme of fashion. Some men's beard styles crave gel, mousse or anoint while others don't alike charge to be combed. The accuracy is that now added than anytime there are abundant agency to accomplish a beautiful and contemporary man beard cut. That agency that there are a lot of altered styles for men who are attractive for the absolute man beard appearance to accept from.

While the man's hairstyle is beneath adamant than it was in the 80s and requires a lot beneath goo to accomplish, the avant-garde man beard cut is still best served by a little styling. No, you do not charge to absorb hours in advanced of the mirror adulation every fiber into place, but a little gel never aching any guy's hairstyle that I apperceive of.

Here are aloof a few of the latest trends in men's beard styles and how to appearance them:

Super abbreviate man's beard style. High and Tight, Fade, Spike, Clipper Cut and Crew Cut are aloof a few of the names accustomed to the abbreviate macho beard cut. By far the best accepted appearance is the High and Bound or Fade. Characterized by a carefully circumscribed clipper cut about the abandon and aback of the arch with aloof abundant beard on top of the arch to comb, this appearance with its abounding variations accounts for about 75 percent of all accepted styles today. With aloof a little bit of gel to fasten up the top, blend it up a little or feel into place, this man's beard appearance will alone booty you abnormal to achieve. While you may accept to get it cut added often, about every three weeks or so, the affluence of administration this man beard cut is what makes it a admired amid active men today.

Medium length, textured men's beard style. Today's styles for men accept a lot of arrangement and the aforementioned is accurate for medium-length styles (about 3 to 4 inches). These styles resemble the archetypal man beard cut of the past, but footfall it up a cleft by application acute arrangement and blush to accompany it all together. Best styles use a abundant accord of razoring and texturizing with notching scissors. To accomplish this appearance anoint usually works best. Work artefact through dry beard and feel into place.

Long man's beard style. While best men do not abrasion their beard bottomward their aback anymore, the continued hairstyle has fabricated a somewhat beneath comeback. Perhaps the best apparent archetype that I can accord of this men's beard appearance is Ashton Kutcher. Long, textured and disheveled, this man beard cut is accepting boundless popularity. Again, this man's beard cut requires a lot of arrangement and works best with pomade.

Cosabella for SATC Cutie/Bootie Thong Set

Cosabella for SATC
We're gearing up for the next movie installment of Sex and the City this summer.  Here's a new way: the Cosabella for SATC Cutie/Bootie thong set for spring.  If we had to pick a favorite it would be Charlotte's purple pair.  Which is your pick?  Available at the HBO store in NYC (1100 6th Avenue at 42nd Street) or

The Best Male Celebrity Hairstyles

The Best Male Celebrity HairstylesThe appellation 'celebrity hairstyles' artlessly refers to hairstyles that arise to be much-liked, acknowledgment to their actuality the called hairstyles by celebrities and added assessment leaders.
The Best Male Celebrity HairstylesAs it turns out, there is never a point of accordance apropos which the best celebrity-hairstyles for men (or otherwise) are. What comes beyond as 'best' to one being could be acutely black to another, so that this accountable is consistently a accountable of abiding conjecture.
The Best Male Celebrity HairstylesThis alterity amid the acceptance ante for the best macho celebrity-hairstyles and the best changeable celebrity hairstyles is mainly attributable to the actuality that the macho anima tends to added difficult to alter. Men are 'stubborn' and as psychologists who abstraction these things accumulate on acquaint us, the macho apperception is beneath decumbent to alignment than the changeable psyche. So we end up with a bearings area the best macho celebrity hairstyles get abundantly admired by men, but not as broadly adopted by them (as they adopt to accumulate their styles, as they put it). A man has to be 'himself' is a frequently accurate affect in this regard.

Livespeakr Compact Sound System at Urban Outfitters

We always travel with our portable speakers; because they sound better than most clock radio versions you find in hotel rooms.  Plus, we love to have them in the bathroom when we're getting ready for a big night out.  This pocket sized set of speakers for the iPhone, iPod, Google Nexus, and Palm Pre, were built for full sized sound.  They were designed by a couple of young Urban Outfitters customers, so where else but the UO with its electric mix of goods would be better to find them ? For more information go to and

Bobbi Brown Brightening Skincare

Bobbi Brown Brightening Skincare
Bobbi Brown's new line of brightening skincare includes a hydrating lotion, intensive serum, moisture cream, SPF 50 face base, and a spot treatment corrector with SPF 25. Though we're daunted by a five step regimen, we're suckers for a great serum, so that and the SPF 50 base would be the first two products we'd love to try. Here's what Bobbi had to say about the new line:

“I believe beauty starts with healthy, glowing skin. Traveling through Asia, I’ve discovered that many brightening skincare lines do not address women’s immediate need to cover dark spots. I used my makeup artist’s perspective to create this simple 5-step regimen: It includes skincare to give you brighter, smoother and clearer skin over time—and treatment makeup to give you a beautiful, even complexion instantly.”

Hairstyles for Ladies Summer 2010

Hairstyles for Ladies Summer 2010

Ladies have a wide variety of hairstyles to choose from for summer 2010. More and more hairstylist are developing styles that fit in with the busy lifestyle that most modern women live. These styles allow women to have long hair that is easy to style, short hair they can just wash and finger dry, or medium styles that are the best of both worlds.

Long, sleek hair is an excellent style for summer 2010. Whether layered or all one length, long hair looks excellent when it's healthy and sleek. Use a flat iron and smoothing serum to get the look, which won't take you very long at all to do. There is nothing wrong with long hair during the summer, so if it's what you want, try the sleek look for a sexy new hairstyle.
Summer Hair for Ladies in 2010

For those who love short hair, pixies are as popular as ever. Extremely short, or the newer layered pixie that is just a little bit longer, either one is great for most women. If your face shape normally prohibits you from enjoying a pixie cut, then you might want to consider one of the layered pixies. These styles are a bit longer while still retaining the look and shape of the traditional pixie, and are great ways to use bangs to make the look work for you.
Medium hair lovers will adore the shag style this summer. This layered cut is great because it is extremely easy to style. In fact, many people use their fingers and nothing else! Light-weight thanks to the layers, it is very attractive with its razor textures at the ends. Shags can be longer or shorter depending on personal preference, but they always look great and are excellent for anyone, no matter what shape their face is.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Emo Hairstyles for Girls

Emo hair style is very popular among young girl. Generally the emo hair style can be characterized by long straight cut with many uneven layers and vivid colors highlights. Even these hair styles can be created in short hair. Also in this style you can see the long bangs are swept at one side across your face by hiding one of the eyes. The most popular hair color for emo hair styles are black, blonde, red, purple, and dark brown. Traditionally people were using only blonde highlights but today people are familiar with different color.

Emo Hairstyles for Long Hair

Emo hair styles with long hair are very fashionable. For creating this style cut your hair below to shoulder level and at the top trim the hairs with multiple irregular short layers, so that it adds lots of volume at the top. Some layers are sweeps over your forehead by hiding one eye. Use some quality hair products on your hair so that the hair style remains for long time.

Short Emo Haircuts

The shorter emo haircuts are also very popular. Here many shorter layers are cut through the hair. The emo haircut always created in a straight hair. If you are having wavy or curly hair then straightens it by using any hair styling technique or products. Also you can add volume to the hair by using styling hair products

.Emo Hairstyles for Girls

Short Emo Haircuts

Hair spray is one of the best products for most of the younger to styling Emo haircuts. This hair style can be designed in all type of facial feature. You can get more idea by seeing the following Emo haircuts pictures.

Pictures for Emo Hairstyles for Girls

Emo Hairstyles for Girls Emo Hairstyles for Girls

Emo blue hairstyle for emo girls

It's time for a new hairstyle, it's more arractive if you dye you hair some cool color, no matter what color it is. here are some examples of emo blue hair style for you.

Emo blue hairstyle for emo girls
Emo blue hairstyle for emo girls

Mullet Hairstyles For Men 2009 - Winter Haircuts

Mullet Hairstyle is a hairstyle that was largely popular in the 1970’s as well as 1980’s, especially by many of the rock and roll legends of the time. The style involves a very short and precise haircut in the front and on the sides, while the back is styled into a much longer length.

Mullet Hairstyles For Men
pictures of Mullet Hairstyles For Men
long sexy Mullet Hairstyles For Men
long Mullet Hairstyles For Men
Mullet short Hair styles For Men

short Mullet Hairstyles For Men

2010 Elegant Prom Updo Hairstyles

Whether it is short or long, simple or complex, an updo can make you feel really glamorous and getting ready with an updo is really a time saving stylish hairstyle. An updo is also a very elegant for bridal look.

2010 Elegant Prom Updo Hairstyles
2010 Elegant Prom Updo Hairstyles
2010 Elegant Prom Updo Hairstyles

Kate Moss Hairstyles

Kate Moss is a woman who is never short on hairstyles, all of which are typically of the long flowing variety, often with beautiful blonde highlights.

Get a load of this picture gallery of Kate Moss's various lovely hairstyles.

Kate Moss brunette hair.
Bleach blonde hair.
Kate Moss bob with bangs hairstyle.
Kate Moss white hairstyle.

Salon AKS Brushes

Salon AKS Brushes 
I discovered these great brushes when I had my Brazilian Blowout.  They're manufactured in France exclusively for Salon AKS, made of silk and designed for smooth and shiny blowouts. 

I tested the large and small round brushes at home.  The bristles really grab your hair, so much so that you need to use some extra pull to get them through.  The results are worth the effort, though, they left my hair much sleaker than my old, synthetic standby.  The brushes are available in the NYC salon and on line.
This review was based on a sample.

When do you wear sequins?

We laughed at this recent marketing email from Tory Burch, "When do you wear sequins?" 

Tory Burch Sequin Dress
Well, naturally as often as we possible can!  Not only do we like to push what you wear at night; why not have fun and push wearing sequins any time of day.  It's easy, especially if you find yourself in Vegas.

We love this party dress from the spring collection.

Emo Hairstyles - Emo Girls Hairstyles

Emo Hairstyles - Emo Girls HairstylesEmo Hairstyles - Emo Girls Hairstyles

Emo Hairstyles for girls... Upload unique hairstyles and cool colored hair. You can also post a picture of your new hair, and get rated! Also a great place to get tips and ideas for your next hairstyle. For the latest fashions, head to the last page of pictures. Older hair pictures are displayed in the front, while the new and popular fashions are in the back.

Emo Style and Emo Hairstyle

Emo Style and Emo HairstyleEmo Style and Emo Hairstyle

Emo Style and Emo HairstyleEmo Style and Emo Hairstyle

An emo girl is a girl who likes to dress in emo fashion, has an emo(tional) personality and listens to emo music. (Such as Bright Eyes.) Emo girls like to hang out with other emo girls and emo boys. They are usually sad most of the time, do not smile very often, and just like emo boys, show no signs of self worth or self confidence whatsoever and will not make eye contact with you.

An emo girl has very dark hair, either cut somewhere around their shoulder, or in the classic emo haircut, which is sort of short and spiky in the back with long sweeping bangs in the front. Their hair has to be very dark brown or black, or in some cases very light blonde as long as the cut is right. No matter what, it must be worn so that it is covering part of their face at all times. This is because emo girls tend to be shy and mysterious and don’t really want their face to show too much. They usually wear a lot of dark eyeliner and tend to have washed out skin.

Most emo girls are vegetarians or vegans. Although some girls just dress in the emo style, most emo girls are sad; cry and write poetry a lot, and tend to cut their wrists. They usually hide this by wearing armbands or lots of happy colored bracelets.

Their clothing consists of tight jeans, converse and dark colored tight shirts. They also might have a scarf on. They may a few have pins from shows on their jeans. They usually have at least a few piercings and wear lots of happy colored jewelry. Some wear horn rimmed glasses, some do not. They really dont like it if you confuse them with a goth. Emo and goth are very different so dont make this mistake.

They are most likely to be seen at shows, looking completely sad and lost. Emo girls also love it when emo boys make out with each other (which they tend to do a lot).

Just like Emo boys, they usually walk with their head down not making eye contact with anyone. Although most Emo kids are very sad and feel like the world hates them, they tend to understand what other Emo kids are going through.
That girl over there in the corner with the dark hair, listening to Bright Eyes, and staring at the floor must be emo.

Emo Style and Emo Hairstyle

An emo girl is a girl who likes to dress in emo fashion, has an emo(tional) personality and listens to emo music. (Such as Bright Eyes.) Emo girls like to hang out with other emo girls and emo boys. They are usually sad most of the time, do not smile very often, and just like emo boys, show no signs of self worth or self confidence whatsoever and will not make eye contact with you.

An emo girl has very dark hair, either cut somewhere around their shoulder, or in the classic emo haircut, which is sort of short and spiky in the back with long sweeping bangs in the front. Their hair has to be very dark brown or black, or in some cases very light blonde as long as the cut is right. No matter what, it must be worn so that it is covering part of their face at all times. This is because emo girls tend to be shy and mysterious and don’t really want their face to show too much. They usually wear a lot of dark eyeliner and tend to have washed out skin.

Most emo girls are vegetarians or vegans. Although some girls just dress in the emo style, most emo girls are sad; cry and write poetry a lot, and tend to cut their wrists. They usually hide this by wearing armbands or lots of happy colored bracelets.

Their clothing consists of tight jeans, converse and dark colored tight shirts. They also might have a scarf on. They may a few have pins from shows on their jeans. They usually have at least a few piercings and wear lots of happy colored jewelry. Some wear horn rimmed glasses, some do not. They really dont like it if you confuse them with a goth. Emo and goth are very different so dont make this mistake.

They are most likely to be seen at shows, looking completely sad and lost. Emo girls also love it when emo boys make out with each other (which they tend to do a lot).

Just like Emo boys, they usually walk with their head down not making eye contact with anyone. Although most Emo kids are very sad and feel like the world hates them, they tend to understand what other Emo kids are going through.
That girl over there in the corner with the dark hair, listening to Bright Eyes, and staring at the floor must be emo.

Eat, Pray, Love preview

We'll admit, when we first heard Julia Roberts was set to play Elizabeth Gilbert in the movie version of Eat, Pray, Love, we were pretty skeptical; but the preview--including Julia--looks pretty damn fantastic. It opens August 13.

Punk Teen Hairstyle